State Basketball Referees Preliminary Course
State Basketball Referees Preliminary Course
The Goa Basketball Association will be organising a Preliminary Referees Course for State Basketball Referees. The sessions will be held over 3 consecutive Sundays at the Don Bosco Oratory conference Hall from 10.00am to 12.00 noon on 2nd , 9th and 16th April 2017. While the first two Sundays will involve instructions, game situations and floor coverage, an evaluation exam will be conducted on the final Sunday. This is Certificate Program conducted by GBA and those interested will be selected to attend the BFI Referees examination conducted during the Nationals. Those attending the sessions will have to make themselves available for officiating at Basketball Championships in the state.
GBA invites all senior Players and young aspirants who wish to improve their knowledge and contribute to the game as officials are requested to confirm their participation on,, or sms 9422018850 (Olencio).