Fr. Agnel’s Cager win in South

The first round of Basketball league games began with the clash of Fr. Agnel, Verna against Vidya Vikas, Margao, with the former making their strong presence felt winning comfortably 41-11. Fr. Agnels kept a constant scoring streak to build up a overpowering lead to earn their victory. The upcoming VidyaVikas School, did well to hold Fr Agnels, but it was not good enough.

Neil Rodrigues (13 Pts), Kunal Sharma (08 pts) and Stalin Braganza (07 pts) kept the tempo for Fr. Agnels while Tanish Lotlikar (10 pts) kept the lone fight for Vidya Vikas.

The next round of matches of South District will be held on Tuesday, 12 Feb, while North District games will be held on 13th Feb, at Don Bosco Oratory, Panjim.



Picture Caption: The triumphant Fr.Agnels Team, pose with the PE Teacher.

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